Rosemary Clay Craftsman Roof Tile
A unique manufacturing process on a bespoke production line enables the Rosemary Clay Craftsman clay tile to be produced with a heritage look while maintaining all the attributes and strength of a brand new tile.
2014 marked the 175th anniversary of the first-ever Rosemary tile being sold on the UK market - since that day Rosemary clay tiles have become inextricably-linked with Britain's vernacular architectural style.
Hawkhurst and Albury have a fine orange-red sanding over the surface and random black patterning to imitate a weathered look whereas Victorian has a darker and grittier texture giving roofs a real aged character.
Each Rosemary Craftsman tile has a textured surface and underside combined with textured sides and front edge. Other characteristics are the irregular front edge distortion and varying hanging length. All these features combine to accurately replicate the look of genuine handmade clay tiles.
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