Contracting Terms
1) It is the customer’s responsibility to contact the Electricity Board and any other supply authority and have all overhead power cables checked and made safe and will be responsible for any expense incurred in doing so unless the Company undertakes to do so in writing.
2). Re-Roofing Contracts
Works generally unless otherwise specified do not allow for repairs to structural timbers, fascias, barge boards, soffits, guttering or the like.
2.1). It is the Customers responsibility to ensure that the roof is cleared of any valuable materials or that they are adequately protected for the duration of the works. Similarly, any valuable materials within the building should be removed or adequately protected.
2.2). The Company will take all reasonable precautions to prevent water ingress but cannot be held responsible for any damage that may occur to the structure or its finishes & fixtures or individual items.
3). Flat Roofing
3.1). The Company have not included for the redesign of any the falls in roof levels. The new membrane system will be installed onto the existing constructed joist or concrete deck levels. Any water that may be retained on the finished roof surface will not affect the terms of the issued guarantee and the company will not be held liable for any claims or withholding of monies as a result of any such occurrences.
3.2). The customer, prior to commencement of any works, must specifically instruct for the reconstruction of any roof falls if this is a customer’s requirement of the proposed works.
4.) Asbestos
Unless specifically drawn to our attention at the time of quoting, any asbestos found on site will be dealt with in an approved manner at additional cost.
5). In Addition
Any works carried out other than that stated in the quotation will be charged as an EXTRA.
5.1). This offer does not include for making good after other trades.
5.2). If dates for commencing and finishing work are given by the Company, the Company will use its endeavours to follow such timings, but such timings are not guaranteed. No claim can be made against the Company if the Company does not carry out the works within a specified time, or in accordance with a specified timetable.
5.3). It is the Customer’s responsibility to ensure that all necessary approvals and conditions have been obtained.
5.4). In providing the quotation the Company has not carried out any survey of the building, but in giving the quotation has proceeded on the basis that the structure of the building is good and sound and capable of the roof and its finishes.
5.5). It is the responsibility of the Customer to ensure that the structure of the building is capable of supporting the roof, and no responsibility is accepted by the Company if this is not the case.
5.6). All fixing specifications are subject to confirmation of site location and function and manufacturers recommendations. The Company reserves the right to amend its quotation on receipt of such information before commencing works.
5.7). Where gable walls are provided without barge boards then brick work/block work must be cut to a true and even line. Where this is not the case we accept no responsibility for bedded undercloaks not being laid to a true and even line.
5.8). Similarly, party walls must be cut accurately to allow for correct positioning of fire stopping.
5.9). Where works are carried out over finished ceilings and decorations, we cannot accept responsibility for cracking of plaster or special finishes and nail heads popping.
5.10). New roofs must be constructed within reasonable tolerances of accuracy. Where this is not the case any additional cost incurred due to additional setting out time or providing additional packing will be charged for.
5.11) Due to subtle changes in the manufacture of cement it is possible that under certain conditions a lime bloom may occur to bedded works which can be exasperated by atmospheric conditions, time of year etc. Whilst we would take every care during the course of bedding works we cannot accept responsibility for this phenomenon which occurs and would suggest that where ever possible particularly with slate roofs dry fixed products be used. We must advise generally that this problem will diminish over a period of time due to natural weathering processes.
5.12) Where materials are sourced or supplied by the customer then the Company accepts no responsibility for their suitability and are fixed at the clients risk.
6). Scaffolding – Unless specified in our quotation, the customer to be responsible for providing a full working scaffolding in accordance with current health and safety requirements and recommendations, with a lift being provided at knee height to fascia. Sufficient loading bays will be required.
6.1) Where scaffold would be required to be erected on adjoining property then written permission would be required from the respective owners.
7). Hoisting – Unless specified in our quotation, the customer to be responsible for hoisting tiles, batten etc onto scaffold loading bays by approved means (forklift, hoist or crane) and providing all appropriate qualified labour to do so and at no cost to us.
8) Building Regulations L2 –
8.1) The Company is not responsible for carrying out of, any test required or imposed by or as a consequence of approved document L2 (or any document revising or replacing it in whole or in part) issued under the Building Regulations 2000 or any revision, reissue or re-enactment of them. The Customer is not entitled to withhold any sum otherwise due and payable to the Company on the ground that any such test is yet to be carried out or completed.
8.2) In the event you accept our quotation you are deemed to have sought the appropriate Permissions and Approvals. Failing that you are advised that you should seek approval for these works from your Local Area Building Control prior to commencement, thus to ensure your roof insulation conforms to the Building Regulations 2006.
8.3) Due to recent changes in the Building Regulations Part L1B, which relates to thermal insulation of domestic properties, we are obliged to inform you that householders are responsible for applying to their Local Area Building Control department, prior to any roofing works commence, to ascertain if the roof insulation conforms to the current Building Regulations 2006.
9). Cement and Sand - Unless specified in our quotation, the Customer is responsible for supplying all necessary cement and sand and for clearing away all accumulated debris on completion.
10) Rubbish – Unless specified in our quotation, the Customer is responsible for supplying skips or allocated areas for storage / disposal of rubbish (at their expense) which may accumulate during the course of works.
11) Bats – It is the company’s strong recommendation that where working with existing building (and in some occasions new buildings) that a full bat survey be carried out prior to any roofing works commencing. Such a survey will be chargeable as an additional item. In the event exposure of bats or similar wildlife within the fabric of the building occurs during the works and if such exposure results in the cessation of works, delays or additional works being required then such costs will be paid for by the Customer.
12) Call off’s
The Company would request that ‘Call Off’s’ from site are only made when roofs are structurally complete i.e. fascia, barge boards etc are fully completed. When abortive visits are made to site after a call-off and the roof is not fully completed the Company will make a charge for such visits, these being for a minimum of a half day per gang involved and travelling costs.
13) Programme – Domestic
The Company will agree to provide sufficient labour to roof no more than two roofs consecutively. Where build programmes exceed these requirements then additional labour will be subject to availability and due allowance for acceleration to be agreed prior to such additional works being carried out.
14) Programme - Commercial The Company agrees to provide sufficient labour equivalent to roofing no more than 2 domestic roofs consecutively. Where build programmes exceed this then additional labour will be supplied subject to availability and any due allowance for acceleration to be agreed prior to such additional works being carried out.